
An IMperfectionist...!

Monday, 23 January 2012

Elena's Beanie

Starting my beanie for Elena

I promised to make a beanie for my friend Elena about 2 months before Christmas! I've started it about 3 or 4 times now with different colours, but I didn't like how it came out. I tried to do it with quirky, fun colours as Elena is a quirky, fun person!! But each time it just came out looking like a fancy dress hat or at best, a great beanie for the kids!...So, now I'm going for some more subdued colours...Hope you like it Elena!

27th January

Beanie finished!! Took me a while as this week Mr. T. hasn't slept, which means I haven't slept, which means I've been like a zombie during the day. So anyway, it's finished...it's a bit weird, but we like weird...and most of all, Elena likes it!!

Elena and her finished beanie.