
An IMperfectionist...!


My house is full of stuff I like...My husband says it looks like a Christmas tree...I disagree, I think it's more a mixture of boho, hippy, car-boot sale, kitch, chic! It a living record of things we have done, places we have been, Pooh Face's art work (Mr. T. has yet to come to grips with pens, paper, glue and glitter!), things that I have made and great stuff that my mum has bought me from her travels around the UK in her caravan.

I love the house that we're in now, it's cosy, welcoming, full of happiness (casting aside the odd heated discussion!!). We have views and lots of parks for the kids. Unfortunately it's a rented property so we can't do everything that we'd like to do to it (which I'm sure my husband, Pablo, thinks is a good thing!!!), but hey, you can't have it all!

Anyway, I'm going to get my super new camera that my husband bought me and I'm off to take some pics of the stuff in and around my house.
P.S. The first photo is of the view from our bedroom window...it's wonderful that we've finally got a place that's not looking out onto a block of flats! The photo below is of one of the local parks.