Mr. T., or as his dad prefers, Otto, is the newest member of the family. He's soon to be 8 months old and he's already weighing in at 9 and a half kilos (sorry, I have no idea what that is in pounds!), has seven teeth (that work very well at biting chunks out of your shoulders), is already a dab-hand at crawling and is desperate to get his little legs up and running. He's a cute, happy, smiley, talkative, active, lovely, adorable...did I say cute?...little boy, but he's a terrible sleeper....TERRIBLE! You wouldn't believe it when you look at that cute, little, fresh face of his, but he hates going to sleep and will fight it all the way, and when he is asleep it's not for very long. Luckily I don't need that much sleep, so at the moment I'm coping fairly well...apart from a few swear words whispered under my breath when he starts crying at 3am! Pablo on the other hand is struggling a wee bit more than I. He doesn't get up to sort Mr. T. out (not usually anyway), but he does get woken up and Pablo likes and needs his sleep, plus he's out at work all day with a long car journey to and from the office so being constantly woken up every night at least twice (on a very good night) is not good.
We're having a few discussions (most of them civilised!) on how to treat Mr. T's lack of sleep ethic. Pablo is of the "let them cry it out" train of thought, were as I am completely incapable of letting him cry and cry until he falls asleep and agree more with the ideas of Dr. Sears, who believes that a calmer more relaxed and closer approach to helping your child sleep is better.
So, basically we're not helping Mr. T. a great deal due to our baby sleeping conflict. A baby with a permanent snotty nose and trapped wind doesn't help matters either. What is just a tissue away or a quick trip to the loo for us, is annoying, uncomfortable and painful for a 7 month old...And just another reason not to sleep!
So, basically we're not helping Mr. T. a great deal due to our baby sleeping conflict. A baby with a permanent snotty nose and trapped wind doesn't help matters either. What is just a tissue away or a quick trip to the loo for us, is annoying, uncomfortable and painful for a 7 month old...And just another reason not to sleep!