
An IMperfectionist...!

Monday 9 January 2012

First Post

My first post!! Oh my, where do I start? Today's been sort of a none day so far as all I've been doing is sitting around, playing with Mr. T. (who's tired and very cranky this morning), whilst starting this blog and waiting for the insurance guy to come to check out the damp. So, yeah...not much doing today.
I was hoping to go up stairs and sort Mr. T's room out (it looks like a car boat sale in there at the moment), but I'm having to wait for the, now very late, insurance guy and seeing as the door bell is rather shy and doesn't like ring out loudly, I'm having to wait downstairs...Oh well, it's given me the excuse to finally start my blog.
Not much else to say at the moment...what a great start to a blog!!
Anyway, I've listed for you some great webs/blogs for you all...Probably a good idea only to take a look at them when you've got lots of spare time because once you start looking you can't stop!
Well I hope this is the start of a long and happy friendship! Ciao!

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